We have made great connections in Seville and are learning more and more about the city and its neighborhoods. And we're loving what we're learning. We haven't had the same success in our research of Jerez, which I'm sure is still a great place. To make our trip in January and our move in May less complicated, we have decided to return our focus to Seville.
And that is our final decision... for now. There is no guarantee we won't change our minds again. Our minds, after all, were clearly made for changing. But, as of today... this morning... well, this moment, we are determined to find an apartment in Seville.
We may not make the right choice the first time out, but at least we'll have chosen.
After our first lease is up, and we have a year of local knowledge under our belts, we can move someplace else if we like. We don't expect we'll need to, but change is always a possibility.
So now we just need to connect with the perfect rental agent and home will be a lot closer.
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