Thursday, March 28, 2013

Captive Audience

Wednesday night was the Processión de Nuestro Padre Jesus Cautivo y Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores (Procession of Our Captive Father Jesus and Our Lady of Sorrows). Perhaps because rain was expected, I never did see the float carrying Our Lady of Sorrows. Fortunately, there was a brief (30-second) shower and skies then remained clear for the rest of the night.

The novelty of this procession is that the tall float is carried under the commuter train tracks and also under some electrical wires strung across the street that follows. The costaleros (carriers) lower to hip level the wood beams that support the float, lifting them back to their shoulders after clearing the low areas. They get a round of applause each time.


I'm beginning to lose my enthusiasm for these processions. However, there are a couple of very interesting statues coming up this week that I may decide to see and then share. I'm feeling very irreverent this evening. Feel free to suggest your own captions for today's photos. They couldn't possibly be any more inappropriate than what I had in mind.



  1. I can tell you right now that you are much more patient than Bill and I are. We didn't watch one parade today... not one! Has nothing to do with religious feelings... but it's almost like "you seen one you've seen all". I know that's not so, but after standing 10 deep in a crowd and only seeing the tips of the coneheads, (okay, last night last night we had great view) we pretty much decided we'd rather watch the ladies in their mandillas and the kids in their Sunday best than stand shoulder to shoulder, feel claustrophobic and still not see much. Now... if you two still lived in that apartment, we could be sitting on your balcony, sipping sherry and trying to entice Moose or Dudo to allow us to pet and make over them ;-) Well... I'm still excited that you'll be posting more photos of it all... but... guess I'll go have a tapa & a CruzCampo ;-)

    1. Sharon:
      We got spoiled in Sevilla. So many processions walked right by our windows. We could watch from our balconies or I could run downstairs and be right in the middle of it. We only went to one procession where we were in the crowd. Not my idea of fun. Here, the crowds are not as overwhelming, but I did miss my private view. In July, they carry the Virgin of Carmen right in front of our building before taking her out on a boat. THAT will be fun!

  2. I suppose this is like the Macy's Thanksgiving parade to the locals only with religious connotations and lots more pageantry. There certainly is a lot of participation.

    1. Ms. Sparrow:
      Three Kings Day (Epiphany) is more like the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. No gigantic balloons, but a much more festive parade.

  3. Spain seems to be doing and interesting job of surging ahead as a liberal advanced culture while retaining many of these ancient traditions. I enjoy seeing the contrast.

    1. Stephen:
      Someone mentioned something about the separation of Church and State... Have you ever heard of that? Very unusual!

  4. The Klan should take some fashion


    1. Raulito:
      The clan should, as they say, take a hike!

  5. Thanks Mitch for letting us loose!! I find these parades to be creepy and so far out-of-date to have any relevance whatsoever in the world today. There I said it. And this from one who was a very eager participant when I was a child from 7 to 15 years old. I just think some things are better left in the distant past.
    Great photos however. Let's 'hit the beach'!!

    1. Jim:
      I have to admit they held more fascination for me the first time around.

  6. Hi Mitch, just dropped on for a visit from The Odd Essay and Sharon's photos and commentary and your own on these Holy Week professionals were quite interesting and detailed.

  7. Hi again, have you considered removing word verification as it is not only annoying but difficult for folks to decipher.

    1. Beatrice:
      Yes, I've tried. I received more SPAM than comments. It became overwhelming.

  8. Coneheads of course....but I also wondered who the heck stuck firecrackers on Jesus' head. Don't they have any reverence??

  9. Those dunce-cap hoods would have been enough to scare the Be-Jeesus out of me when I was the age of these kids - and, of course, there's the much discussed resonance with the KKK. But I suppose that was it's original purpose, viz. to terrify people into conforming.
    Btw: Wouldn't it be grand if a couple a couple of them pulled off their hoods with a flourish, to reveal.....the Pet Shop Boys - singing "It's a Sin."!

    1. Raybeard:
      At the beginning of the procession, a couple was standing with a little girl (maybe 2) in a stroller. The first group of hoods turned the corner and the little girl began to scream. Fortunately, her parents immediately got her safely away.

      I think you should send your music video suggestion to the Pet Shop Boys.

  10. I love the one of the two children in the street. So pretty.

    1. Bob:
      They were cute kids. They looked to me like they were there for a showdown.

  11. Yikes these things give me the creeps - for me they conjure up The Inquisition and the KKK. eek!
    Curiously here in AZ today Good Friday there was little traffic - apparently everyone stayed home. Well and good but what did they do today actually? No parades here.

    1. Spo:
      If I remind myself that they were here long before the KKK, that connection goes away. However, the Inquisition is never far from my thoughts when I see these rituals.

  12. I was convinced it was a bloody snake

    1. John:
      LOL (Oh, how I hate that LOL crap, but LOL)... I think this comment was meant for the garden hose post! And, yes, it does look like snake. And with what we had to pay for that damn hose, it should be real snakeskin!

  13. Yeah, those pointy hats wouldn't go over so well in North America!!

    1. Knatolee:
      I gasped the first time I saw one here. Thankfully I've never seen the other ones in the USA... except on the news.


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