I'm in love. Well, I've been in love with San Geraldo for 33+ years, but I've found someone new. Her name is Martina... and she's 2-1/2 years old. Obviously, she's not replacing San Geraldo
(no one could ever take his place), but she is simply irresistible.
Martina is our friend Jessica's little (obviously) sister. Jessica brought her by and we met for the first time. I had bought her a set of books (for ages 2 and up) so she can enjoy learning her colors (and words) in Spanish and English. The books were a huge hit.
We tried to get the very talkative Martina to say my name, but Mitchell is not an easy one for toddlers, even English-speaking toddlers.
(My friends' daughter called me "Ditch" for months. She eventually started to get the idea that the consonant "M" was pronounced by pressing the lips together. Unfortunately, it took her a while to not start off with a "B." So, it went downhill from "Ditch.")
Whenever Jessica would ask Martina in Spanish what my name was or who gave her the books, she would respond, "ése"
("that," as in "that one").
I finally told Jessica that we should give Martina something to call me that's easier and more recognizable to her young Spanish ears.
I said, "She can call me Miguel,"
(which would be the Spanish translation of my name).
So, Jessica turned to Martina and told her my name was Miguel and then asked her to say it.
Martina responded, "Miguel." But she quickly commented, "Él no se llama Miguel. ¡Él se llama Michi!"
("His name isn't Miguel. His name is Michi.")
"MICHI!" |
Oh, I almost forgot to mention: I told Martina that her hair was very beautiful. She agreed. Then she looked into my eyes and said very gravely in Spanish, "You don't have hair." When I responded, equally gravely, "No, I don't." She told me it was OK because, "... you have hair on your face."
This post is dedicated to Martina and other sweet things.
... He's confection. Goodness knows.