Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Leave Me Alone I'm Lonely

San Geraldo and I, after all our years together, truly appreciate and respect one another's need for time to ourselves.

Like us, our cats Moose and Dudo thrive on affection and interaction. Like us, they need solitary time.

Unlike us, the cats have no respect or appreciation for each other's (or our) needs.

If Dudo sleeps when Moose wants to play, Moose wanders the house yowling until Dudo gets up. If Moose sleeps when Dudo wants to play, Dudo simply pounces on him.

When either Moose or Dudo wants us, we usually obey. Sometimes it's a cuddle. Or a lap to sit on. Moose doesn't like to nap alone in the afternoon and stalks San Geraldo until he complies. Moose also doesn't like to eat without company (or perhaps it's a guard on duty). One of us usually follows him into the kitchen when he commands (he can be very insistent).

I've been a bit "off" these last few days. Lost in my own head. Wanting to socialize but not wanting to socialize. Oddly, I've been lonely at the same time. I thought some undemanding cat companionship would be nice. No conversation needed.

This is what I got.


I'm glad San Geraldo understands.

It's obvious Pink hired Dudo and Moose to write the lyrics for this song.
(Warning to My Mother The Dowager Duchess: Pink uses the F word a couple of times.)


  1. Well, cats are pretty independent, so I'm sure not jumping to your needs. So sorry you are a bit off. Just grab one of those kitty kats and cuddle up.

    1. Linda:
      Well, they were both needy today. So I got what I wanted, too!

  2. My partner respects that I need some time alone, and I his need too. It will be much more 'interesting' when I no longer work, but we humans are very adaptable. Isn't it a shame pets don't come with an on and off switch.

    1. Andrew:
      We had a little hotel for a couple of years in which we spent just about every minute together or in close proximity (and lived in a one-bedroom apartment on premises). Retirement wasn't any great adjustment. Hope it's the same for you.

  3. Bill & I just had 6 weeks of 24/7.... on a ship.... or sick in a ships cabin (worse).... and as much as we love each other, enough is enough. Yesterday he spent all day (yes, ALL day) with our son-in-law helping him with various doctor appts that he wasn't permitted to drive after procedures (those kind)... and I stayed home... listening to my favorite CDs, mopping the floor of the rig and doing laundry. What bliss! Lonely or alone? Just makes us appreciate our time together.

    1. Sharon:
      We're the same. And at your son-in-law's for the day, I'm sure, is far enough!

  4. Alone time is very important in all relationships. Good thing you have worked this out over the years. Now Moose has to 'get with the program'!
    Hope you're not lonely for too long, Mitchell.

    1. Jim:
      I get tired of my own company fairly easily. So, there's hope. So much to learn in relationships. I like quiet when I first wake up (unless I don't...); San Geraldo wants to make every decision and solve all the world's problems in the first half hour. He really had to learn.

  5. If anything, I have too much alone time. I need to work at not losing my social skills.

    1. Stephen:
      It's too easy to grow comfortable with solitude. Of course, when you do come up for air, you might talk someone's ear off (I know from experience). Glad you've got Mrs. C to draw you out of your shell.

  6. I'm also keeping a low profile lately...
    As for company, I got plenty as my 2 cats show up one after the other.
    They can't stand each other [still],
    but they love me!!

      Our two cats demand every minute of our time... usually until WE want THEIR attention. Moose wouldn't leave us alone this morning. Now, haven't seen him in in 5 hours. So this is love.

  7. Cats do have this 'I'm-the-boss' mentality which, unless you're feline-resistant (which you and I are not), will cheekily mould one's life to fit in with theirs. Dogs also have that same ability to get the result they want, though not through a 'me-first' attitude.

    In Dido's pic above, my pussies do the same - pretending to sleep while keeping one beady eye on what you're doing, as though warning against doing anything of which they might disapprove. Oooooh - can be quite scary and threatening sometimes!

    1. Ray:
      Dudo does "the peek" for a variety of reasons: 1) Am I missing something?; 2) Will there be a treat?; 3) Don't even think of coming over here. Fortunately, neither of our cats has an aggressive streak and has never threatened us in any way. (Of course, they don't show the same gentleness with each other.)

  8. Wow, it means your cats are different but loveely. But what is important each creature needs personal space

    1. Gosia:
      It's fascinating how two cats from the same litter and never separated can be so entirely different. Just like children!

  9. I'm very on-again/off-again with socialising... I must have lots of alone time for sanity's sake, but I'm quite fond of others. Even without ketchup.

    Right now I'm enjoying a good deal more socialising than usual, which means it will be time to withdraw soon. And, yes, the concrete cloud is hovering just over the horizon, waiting...

  10. Plus, it's like that country music song, "How can I miss you if you won't go away?" I don't miss my cats (or beaus) unless they're far away (or seem to be).
    Hugs to you.

  11. I know those looks.
    I hate those looks!

    1. Bob:
      I do find those looks comical. (The little shits!)

  12. When Tom decided to move back to the Dells and build a home, we considered building a duplex. That way each of us could have his own little place and we could get together for meals and socializing and ... whatever. We didn't go that far, but our house does provide ample space and privacy for the time we each need to be alone.
    Which also means ample space for the cats to roam and decide where to sleep.
    Too bad I can't send you Sundance. The last couple of days she has been particularly "affiliative" -- a term a friend with the animal shelter taught me, meaning NEEDY. Not sure what is going on in that little head. She is either right on top of one of us or sitting off to the side staring forlornly. She would have been happy for a cuddle and a purr instead of a couple of geezers hacking away on computers or making candy for the neighbors.

    1. Michael:
      I wrote a long reply here and lost my internet connection. This one is shorter and sweeter (because I don't think the long one was worth the time it would take to read it anyway). What kind of candy are you making? How close does one have to live to qualify as neighbors?

    2. Fudge [(1)plain; (2) with walnuts; (3)chocolate mint]; white candy with almonds and chopped candied cherries -- red and green; vanilla candy [slightly different from previous recipe] with green and red M&M minis for color and another batch with a variety of colored M&Ms. Sorry, but these are for neighbors within walking distance! I wish I were within walking distance of where you live ...

    3. Michael:
      I was going to start singing "But you know I'd walk a thousand miles if I could just... have fudge." But, I guess it's a lot more than a thousand miles. You have very lucky neighbors (and for more reasons than just fudge, I'm sure)!

  13. Such cute kitties! I love that pink song too :)

    1. Hayley-Eszti:
      These cats really are a joy... even if they don't always snap to my commands. (At least they come in from the terrace the minute I tell them to.)

  14. Cats are such cool cucumbers unless they want attention, then you must drop everything. Perhaps you need a dog? Shhh don't tell the cats I suggested that.

    1. Cheapchick:
      Uh oh. Dudo was sitting on my lap and reading along with me. Boy did I get a look!

  15. OK Mr. MIM, we've let you be left alone for a few days; come out and tell us the news. We miss you.

    1. Spo:
      You're a sweetheart. Just posted again and am hoping to do better the rest of the week!


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