I picked up my laptop from the repair shop today. The new fan is purring quietly. I've used the computer for about two hours. It hasn't hung up. It hasn't crashed. And it hasn't spontaneously shut down. I haven't spontaneously shut down myself, but I'm very close to crashing.
As I mentioned before, I prefer walking to taking cabs (or really any other form of transportation). However, I did take a cab to the shop in Los Remedios again today because it's nearly 4.5 kilometers (about 3 miles) away. To make the trip a bit more interesting (other than just running an errand), I walked home, took in some sights (and photos), and stopped to tour the Museum of Archaeology in Maria Luisa Park. It's a fascinating place and I have loads of photos to share. But not today.
I crossed the river via Delicias Bridge (which roughly means "delights" and not "delicious"). It's further south than I've ever walked in the city and the view was — delightful. The bridge leads to a street that leads to Paseo de las Delicias, which runs alongside Maria Luisa Park as well as the aptly named Delicias Gardens. Given that I toured the museum, strolled the park, and browsed a bit along the way, I probably walked over 5 miles on the return trip. I've done that a number of times in the past two weeks. And I didn't get enough sleep last night or the night before. I need a siesta!
Dudo, as usual, has the right idea.
DeleteDudo is very wise. (And cute.)
Hello Mitch:
ReplyDeleteWhat a glorious view of the city! Perhaps the walk was worth it for that image alone. Surely after all that physical and cultural activity you will sleep like Dudo tonight!!
Jane and Lance:
DeleteThe walks are all worth it! But I didn't sleep like Dudo last night.
Taxis prevent one from taking the air properly. What you need, young man, is a good sedan chair (a litera to you Spanishers). Something with light French lace curtaining and a team of not less than eight O'Lympian porters able to reach twelve or fifteen miles an hour. Anything less than twelve miles an hour and you just don't get the breeze you need. Also, liberally use an atomiser with a good eau de cologne such as Plymouth gin - the evaporation has a great cooling effect on the neck and other anti-swooning areas.
ReplyDeleteOwl Wood:
DeleteSadly, the sedan chair is reserved for San Geraldo. However, I do like the idea of the atomizer, although I think it would have more effect sprayed into my open mouth.
Give me 'a siesta' anytime, Mitch...I need this every once in awhile.I rejuvenate...can't be too long though...too long makes me wonky. So go enjoy your well-deserved rest!
DeleteI didn't take that siesta after all. But I also need to keep it short or, like you, I get wonky!
I think we could learn a thing or two from dudo :)
ReplyDeleteMonkey Man:
DeleteYep. So many things. Like how to catch and eat a fly.
DeleteGood morning!
The unending heat does not make for restful sleep for humans, cats on the other hand, love it! Our daily temperatures are still up around 90 but at least the humidity is down--and the days are shorter so it cools down more overnight. Of course, you're a lot closer to the equator. Maybe you should try keeping a purring kitty close to help you sleep!
ReplyDeleteMs. Sparrow:
DeleteWell, I can't blame it on the heat, since we've got quiet, central AC going all night. Pretty soon we won't need it. We're actually not any closer to the equator (well Sevilla is maybe 7 degrees closer than Minneapolis, but that's nothing; we're only about a degree south of St. Louis, MO). Like yours, our nights are cooling down now. 95 during the day, 65 overnight. Glorious to be out late. And those purring kitties (when they're in the mood) keep ME close when they choose. Makes me happy, but doesn't help my sleep!
I miss that kind of urban walking. Leisurely yet productive, with many choices of path. And it's good for you. Here in the country, our walks can get kind of samey. But I'm not complaining. I've often thought how lucky I am to be able to take walks and hope to continue for a very long time.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I forgot to mention, your post title put Madeline Kahn's voice in my head... :)
DeleteWalt the Fourth:
DeleteSo glad to have put Madeline Kahn's voice in your head, but I hope she's not finally driving you crazy.
I love urban walking. I used to spend entire days walking the streets of New York. My sister loved to walk and had me convinced the subway only went as far north as 34th Street. I'm sure, after a few years here, the city walks will get kind of samey, too. Your walks are so picturesque. One of these days, we'll be doing the same in Spain I think.
Keep walking - best thing you can do for yourself !
DeleteNot a problem! I love it.
ReplyDeleteSo many more photos to come! Glad you enjoy them. Dudo is a joy. Moose is, too, but a bit more respectable and "on his own terms." Dudo is comical.
Learning how to nap and relax is something we all need to learn from animals. They do it right!
DeleteYou are so right. Both cats are sprawled, sound asleep, behind me. Ah, to be them.