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I've always thought of myself as considerably left of center in my social and political opinions. Out of curiosity, I took the test. Here are the results:
Political Values
Radicalism 99.5
Socialism 87.5
Tenderness 56.25
"These scores indicate that you are a progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with a university professor. It appears that you are skeptical towards religion, and have a pragmatic attitude towards humanity in general.
"Your attitudes towards economics appear communist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as left-wing.
"To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, an egalitarian with primarily strong opinions."
Socialism at 87.5? Well, my capitalist friends (and my socialist friends, too), that's probably not far off.
Tenderness, 56.25? That disappointed me. I think sometimes I might be at 99 or even 100. But, admittedly, at other times I could likely be as low as 30... So, maybe true. Still, I don't know how I feel about that. Perhaps it means that, although I'm tender (more than half way to the top, after all), my rational mind is in charge. Maybe I'm giving myself too much credit.
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Communist? Well, the results simply say that my "atttitudes towards economics appear communist" — only my economics. And "appear" being the operative word. But that's as political as I'm going to get because, believe it or not, that isn't even the point of this post.
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Win the Revolution with Style
Oddly, what made me think of this was the man I saw on the street the other morning wearing kelly green. That made me think of a song in the musical "Grey Gardens" in which the words "There's more to living than kelly green" are sung. And, since that song is called "The Revolutionary Costume for Today," that made me think of my own supposed radicalism and how, while living in Boston, I gave the preppy look a shot (L.L.Bean, but never kelly green) and I was like a fish out of water. I could never pass for a preppy. I then took a walk over to the Saturday flea market at the Fair Grounds, where I was pleased to see strolling and for sale a lot more than kelly green. And that left me singing the song for the rest of the day. If you watch the video, this post and the photos will all make sense... I hope.
Da da da da dum...
I had almost the exact scores that you had and was equally surprised. I've never seen myself as having communist tendencies and I'm not really an activist, although I do tend to say my opinions out loud and often in inappropriate situations....
DeleteSome of the questions might have been a little unclear, but it was still an interesting test.
I TRY to avoid confrontations due to my political/social opinions, but there's a song called "Be Political/Not Polite" by Romanovsky & Phillips that reminds me sometimes it's important to say those things aloud.
Okay, you made me curious, so I took the test:
ReplyDeleteRadicalism: 85.75
Socialism: 31.25
Tenderness: 62.5
It suggested that I would lean toward libertarianism (nope) but think like an idealist capitalist, with few strong opinions (Ha! That's a hoot! Just ask my friends and family if they think that I DO NOT have strong opinions*LOL*!!!). I seem to have a balanced attitude toward humanity, in general. Hmm.
Have a lovely day/evening down there in sunny Espagne! It's probably hotter here today than there!
DeleteFascinating... I'm glad I didn't get that "lean toward libertarianism" comment. That would not have sat well with me either. I'll bet your friends and family are having a good laugh. As for me, I trust the results. You are and easy-going pushover with no strong opinions and you are extremely well-balanced (wait, don't think that's what they really meant)...
We have had a beautiful summer here with few days above 90, most in the low- to mid-80s. Ideal weather for me. Still too hot to go out in the mid-day sun for San Geraldo.
Me - Rad. 80.25. Soc. 43.75. Tenderness 50.
ReplyDeleteFirst paragraph comments were the same as yours.....But I notice your ahead of me in all categories, whatever that means...
And my grammar is deficient, too. Or my spelling.
DeleteDon't worry, no one was testing English-language skills. (Then again, if you were a stronger socialist, "you're" spelling skills might improve!)
I find that "Tenderness" category interesting. Wonder what specifically is meant by that.
OK! Guess I'll take the test too! Be right back....
ReplyDeleteRadicalism 85.75
Socialism 100
Tenderness 53.125
No big surprises here for me I guess. Guess we better move to Sweden!
DeleteI was going to say Sweden gets kind of cold, but then I remembered where you currently live.
Love the pretty dresses!!
ReplyDeleteSophie made me say it!
DeleteWouldn't they make great wall art?!?
They sure would !!
DeleteOH oh! I better start looking for some of those!
DeleteIf you are disappointed in the amount of tenderness, try a good marinade.
DeleteMarinade?!? You mean COOK?!? I guess I'll just have to accept that I'm tough.
Or a good pounding; that sometimes makes the meat more tender.
DeleteA much better suggestion!
I scored exactly as you did with one exception: my tenderness was a few points lower. I'm tough in my radicalism.
ReplyDeleteWalt the Fourth:
DeleteI am so curious to understand what they're truly measuring for "Tenderness." I'm tough, too, but I still thought we were a couple of sweethearts.
Interesting. Got to try this, BRB.
ReplyDeleteOK, that was fun:
Radicalism 99.5
Socialism 56.25
Tenderness 56.25
Well, it seems I'm radical but not as socialist or as left-wing as I thought I was. It goes on to say:
"Your attitudes towards economics appear neither committedly capitalist nor socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a political centrist.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, an egalitarian with several strong opinions."
I thin Mr K. Green looks rather dapper. I like green!
DeleteOoh, I like green too, but those pants and that combo were a bit much for me.
So glad to know I'm not the only extreme radical in the bunch.
Had to try this...I am so self-absorbed...I thought I was more radical than an 85.75 but, alas I have a conservative streak!
ReplyDeleteRadicalism 85.75
Socialism 87.5
Tenderness 59.375
These scores indicate that you are a progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with an animal rights activist. It appears that you are skeptical towards religion, and have a pragmatic attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear communist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as left-wing.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, an idealist with several strong opinions.
Seems we have a lot in common, but I'm not sure what "tenderness" really measures in this survey. I've hardened over the years, but a good story can still make me cry.
DeleteWow. Given your writings, I also would have expected your radical score to be higher! I'm going to see go in search of the meaning of "tenderness" in this survey. Very curious.
My scores for 'Socialism' and 'Tenderness' correspond with Frank's, above, EXACTLY.
ReplyDeleteOnly 'Radicalism' scores fairly significantly higher @ 94.
To all of which I can't decide whether to say "Well, there you are!" or "Phooey!"
DeleteCan't believe I could be more radical than you! So, well there you are AND phooey!
That "tenderness" score can't be right, not for someone as devoted to people as you are. I see much tenderness in the way you refer to your brother, the DD and Jerry. Take care and have a great week.
DeleteThanks. I tried to find an explanation of the term as used in that test, but I couldn't. I hope you're right! Hope you're off to a great week yourself!
Mitch: Re your comment that you can't believe that you could be more radical than me. Oh, I can. I'll have you know that up to my mid-20s (precisely for the time I was, coincidentally, a die-hard, devoutly practising R.C.) I was also a rabid political reactionary, hurling insults at anyone who I perceived to be to the left of Joseph Goebells. That's bound to have left some deep scars which, try as I might, just refuse to be washed away.
DeleteI understand. I had a friend who in the 60s was a rabid radical, atheistic, left-wing hippie. BA few years later, he had a bought a farm in upstate NY, was married, and had 2 children. By the 80s, he was a rabid conservative, ultra-orthodox Jewish, right-wing moralist.
So glad you went in the other direction!
Mitch: Yes, me too. Question is - why did it take so long to see the light? - and for your former friend to 'enter the darkness'!
DeleteIt doesn't matter how long it took. You SAW the light. As for that other one, maybe he's come around again.
thanks for the link to the test. Interesting
ReplyDeleteRadicalism 83
Socialism 75
Tenderness 62.5
These scores indicate that you are a tender-minded progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with an animal rights activist. It appears that you are moderate towards religion, and have a balanced attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as left-wing.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, a devoted egalitarian with several strong opinions.
DeleteSo nice to be in the company of other radical socialists who are more than half tender.
Political Values
ReplyDeleteRadicalism 63.75
Socialism 56.25
Tenderness 53.125
These scores indicate that you are a moderate progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with a university professor. It appears that you are skeptical towards religion, and have a pragmatic attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear neither committedly capitalist nor socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a political centrist.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, a devoted egalitarian with several strong opinions.
Oddly, yes, I would agree with their conclusions,
but I'm definitely NOT a university professor...
Well, Ticklebear, you appear to be much more balanced than some of us! But, don't worry, there appear to be a lot of potential university professors in the crowd.