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Having grown up with parents who referred to the bathroom (specifically, the toilet) as the "office" (which was really confusing when my father left for or returned from work each day), I've always liked to keep my time in the bathroom (the "office") private. After all these years with San Geraldo, it's no longer a big deal, but I'm still happier when I'm allowed to close the door and "read" in peace and solitude.
I'm one of those people who used to run water in the sink so no one would possibly hear what I was doing. I learned some years ago from my brother-in-law that my sister did the same thing. She and I, of course, never discussed it.
Dudo and Moose don't have my hang-ups. They'll run into their litter box while we're standing right there next to it. Thanks... Loads... Really. (Our California cat, Dobie, was much more like me. Everyone would have to leave the room before he would take care of business.)
Dudo and Moose (like most cats) seem to think bathroom time is the perfect opportunity for a visit. If I close the door securely, they both scratch and slam up against it. Then the mewling starts. They've taught me (trained me) to lighten up and be more accommodating — although I stop short of allowing Dudo to climb on my lap.
Now, Dudo has taken to following me into the bathroom with one of his toys. And Moose is never far behind. Sometimes I can get them to play with each other and leave me alone. But only sometimes. See below what has happened to my privacy... and my hang-ups. (Click any photo to get up close and personal.)
By the way, I can't believe I've shared this with you! It's the end of the world as we know it.
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LOL! Only you could turn bathroom humor into something really funny. Sounds like Moose and Dudo love being with you - no matter where you go. That is so cool! Hugs to all four of you.
DeleteHugs back... except from Moose who doesn't like to hug.
There's so much entertainment going on it might be hard to remember why you went in there.
DeleteWell, no reading, at least, gets done in the reading room.
Hey, a little side show while you're' taking care of business'....every day!
ReplyDeleteTwo cuties for sure!
I, too, cherished my privacy BR (Before Ron) coming from a LARGE family and all. I will never forget the HORROR the first time HE WALKED RIGHT IN ON ME!!! I have calmed down since. lol
DeleteI wouldn't complain about the sideshow. It's when I'm expected to "perform" as well that gets to me some days.
The first time I visited Jerry parent's, I was shocked when his mother asked me what I wanted for breakfast -- through the bathroom door! She then slipped a card under the door for me to read!
BR? Was there ever a BR time?
DeleteOh Jimmie Wimmie lighten up, so's to speak!!
DeleteOh, so Jim should "lighten up" but you won't allow bulls in the bathroom...
We have an unspoken rule in our house: humans leave the laundry room when the cats need the litter boxes and cats leave the bathroom when the humans need the, um, er, littler box.
DeleteUnfortunately, all rules in this house are being dictated by the cats.
I think it's the "closed door" thing with cats... they are just sure there's something more interesting going on on the other side.
DeleteYou're absolutely right. Moose often comes in just to hang out. Dudo, on the other hand, expects a game or at least constant attention.
Perhaps they're afraid of what will happen if you're allowed too much time for, erm, reflection?
HA I do the exact same thing with the running water. Doing one's bathroom activities is a very personal and private endeavor.
DeleteMaybe we're related!
Cassidy in particular sits outside the bathroom door waiting to come in. Which I ignore. But then, like most cats I know, both Cassidy and Sundance see any closed door as an obstacle that must be overcome. I sometimes think the perfect cat toy would be a tiny door they could push open, go through and then turn around and push open so they could go back the other way. They certainly act that way when it comes to having us let them onto the deck!
DeleteOur cats are the same way with the terrace — in, out, in out. I love the idea of kitty doors just for play. But they'd still want every other door in the house open.
ReplyDeleteWhen I go to the bathroom , for ANY REASON , I lock the door
It's MY TIME ..........
DeleteWell, if I lived as you do, I would lock that door, too. No telling WHAT might end up in there with you!
I'm with you on this one Mitch! Now bulls coming in during my office time!!
DeleteThis reminds me of a friend who said that she came to the conclusion that all of her (human) children were old enough that she shouldn't be required to talk to them through the door when she's in "the office." She said that the challenge then became convincing the children of this.
DeleteMaybe it's genetic; I don't remember ever once talking to my parents through the bathroom.... I mean the office door.
Those are just free spirited liberal European fur balls :) Let it all hang out!
Delete"Letting it all hang' out is another matter entirely. The first time our cat, Dobie, saw it all hanging out, he was just a kitten. He thought it was something to play with. Swat. Swat. Swat!
I've put one of my two cat litter trays beside the toilet as I thought it would be an appropriate place. It's funny that on rare occasions when I'm sometimes 'using' it (the toilet, not the litter tray) Noodles comes and uses the tray too (living alone, I can leave the door open). It makes me have to postpone my own 'activity' till he's gone whereas he has absolutely no shame about exercising his own bodily functions in my presence. Sometimes the way animals act really can be superior and enviable.
DeleteSuperior? Enviable? Appalling!
Absolutely, Mitch. Too true I wish that I was devoid of shame and self-consciousness. I get terribly piss-shy when there's anyone else within 100 yards of me (except on those occasional instances when I was was drunk).
ReplyDeleteBtw: When I first read your blog my immediate thought was of those Russian double-toilets everyone is talking about for the Sochi Winter Olympics. I'd really have to be pissed as a newt to use one of those while someone else was using the other one. Mind you, it can also provide certain added benefits - you know what I mean? ;-)
DeleteDouble toilets. That reminds me of my Boy Scouts days. Another reason for not going to Sochi!
Whoops! Somehow I missed this one the first time around. What a hilarious way to start off my Friday morning :) Love those little guys!
DeleteI don't know if you've noticed, but I might be just a little partial to them.