Saturday, June 6, 2015

Oops!... I Did It Again

You might remember I have a serious allergy to bee stings. You might also remember that I can be a little careless (accident prone). (Click here for my nightmare, here for when I fell out of bed, and here for a more recent run-in.)

I haven't learned much over the years. Last week, we visited a stunning city park in Benalmádena. The cactus gardens are out of this world. As I bent to take a picture of a prickly pear (chumbera) flower, San Geraldo said, "Watch out for the bee." I saw it leave the flower, so I assured him I was safe. I got my picture and then quickly turned to another flower.

As I clicked the shutter, a bee (or THE bee) shot off that flower and slapped me in the head before flying off. No sting.

(Click the images, but don't fall off your chair; they get bigger.)

I woke up this morning with a bit of a weather-related headache. After days and days of heat, clear skies, and glorious sunshine, a cloud cover had rolled in overnight. The headache was minor. No big deal. Until I got a cereal bowl from the shelf and closed the cupboard door.

With authority.

And without first moving my head out of the way of the door.


"That is just so typically me..."

This morning's episode reminded me of a line from Monty Python's Gumby Theatre: "I've got my head stuck in the cupboard!" Lucky for you (and especially San Geraldo who is not a Monty Python fan), I couldn't find a video clip.


  1. I feel your pain ... literally, I've done all of those things.

    1. Bob:
      So, Carlos and Jerry aren't the only ones resembling each other.

  2. That was a close one, Mitchell, with that bee!! But the cupboard door?! This all sounds a little too familiar to me......Ron can't get out of his own way if her tried either!!
    What a beautiful flower! the real one, not the one on your head!!! Hope the swelling went down. the weather (those low pressure systems that LOVE to cover Nova Scotia all too frequently) affects a lot of us.
    I hope the sun shines once again really soon for you.

    1. '...if HE tried' of course!! ooopppsy....

    2. Jim:
      Today, I plan to get to the pharmacy to pick up a new Epi-pen. I've been getting a little too close lately.

  3. Jim is so willing to tell the story about me, oh well, at least you & I understand about cupboard doors.
    I tried to grow a cactus once hoping that it would bloom ~ no luck it just shriveled and died. LOL
    Today's weather ~ cloudy / overcast / rain / aargh!

    Now get the Nursey to take care of your boo boo!

    1. Ron:
      The head is still sore, but doing better. The nurse just rolls his eyes. (Of course, he offered pills, ice, and TLC.)

      One these days we might have to try and stop being dangers to ourselves.

  4. Mitchell you should be more careful

  5. I am DYING listening to the vid! The perfect treatment of that song; I applaud you!

    Not applauding the bee encounter; the pollinators have discovered the garden and buzz about madly whenever I'm watering... heartening in re: the garden but I'm making quite certain I have the Epi-pen close at hand.
    Ouch on the cupboard door, but at least you haven't done what my 'twin' did... He, for unknown reasons, was staggering through the house with his eyes closed and arms out, making growly sounds (it may have been his Frankenstein period) and walked right into a cupboard door Mom had left open. He was at the right height, at that age he was at just the right height to, well - I'm sure you get the picture.

    At least I'm not the only bonehead in the family!

    1. Jacqueline:
      Oh, thankfully, I've never done what your "twin" did!

      This hokey song pops into my head regularly, so I'm really grateful to have discovered Max Raabe. No way I'd ever use the original.

  6. Ouch! That must have been a shock. Max Raabe is new to me - thanks!

    1. Wilma:
      It was no shock because, sadly, I do these things so often. But it did hurt and is still sore. I love Max Raabe. So unusual. And he enables me to include songs by performers I don't necessarily like.

  7. Replies
    1. Spo:
      But I can proudly say I've made through an entire day without another accident. Knock wood!

  8. Can i ask you something?
    Would you enter the Trelawnyd Flower Show photo class this year?
    Your photos are always so lovely
    The classes are " spring summer"
    And " relaxation"

    Go on!

    1. John:
      I'm honoured to be asked. Thank you. I will definitely participate!

  9. Love those cactus.... glad you didn't get stung. but... ouch! a cupboard door?

    1. Sharon:
      And my head is still sore. What a jerk!


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