Saturday, October 15, 2016

Big City Style

Living here in Fuengirola, a small-ish city (population 75,000) on the beach in Southern Spain, I sometimes miss out on the latest cool fashion trends of the big cities.

So, one nice thing about spending time in Brooklyn (at 2.6 million, the largest of the five boroughs of New York City) and seeing the style of the people who live along the beach there is that ... well ...

... I'm not really missing anything at all.


  1. Add a camouflage cap to all these beauties and your have what we saw yesterday ~ and Jim said Mitch would love this one!

    They are everywhere !!


    1. Ron:
      The truth is, not only am I really enjoying these looks, I'm even beginning to find SOME OF THEM a bit appealing. One of these days, it will be me up there!

  2. Plaids and stripes forever, I see!
    Whatever happened to solid colour coordinates?!
    as Ron said, this is everywhere.

    1. Jim:
      Coming soon to a household in Fuengirola. My underwear never matches my outfit anymore. Progress!

  3. Eclectic is the new black. It takes the worry out of finding the right outfit!

    1. Elaine:
      I used to be a real stick in the mud when it came to mix & match. I'm liking the look more and more!

  4. ew ew ew! white boys have NO fashion sense. all these dudes need a wardrobe intervention!

    1. That is just THE TIP of the iceberg! My eyes are bleeding......

    2. anne marie and mistress maddie:
      Obviously, a lot of thought went into these combinations. Well, SOME thought went into SOME of these combinations.

  5. You've given away your little secret now, Mitch. Admit it, you're just one of those CHUBBY-CHASERS aren't you?

    1. Raybeard:
      I hadn't really intended this to have anything to do with shapes. It just worked out that way. Besides, it gives the fabrics a better canvas!

    2. Certainly a BIGGER expanse, Mitch!

  6. How quickly you forget the early and mid 70's. Houck-a-Poo shirts and striped paints, bold plaid Jackets, think Lindsay Nelson the Mets Color Announcer. It's not just the clashing colors and patterns, it's also that there is so much fabric with these Gamal the Tentmaker size swaths of fabric on one person. Brooklyn is after all the bastion of chic and hipness, right fellow Brooklynite? Or after a long walk on the Boardwalk, even on the Jewish holidays, this can be gloriously disproven!

    1. Stewart:
      In my defense, I lived in Brooklyn on and off for a total of perhaps only a dozen years. Not much out of my running total of living. However, I DID develop my INITIAL fashion sense there. Fortunately, my sister directed operations! Sadly, I never owned a Huk a Poo shirt and I would never have been caught wearing striped pants -- 6 foot 2, 125 pounds... NOT a good look.

  7. Omg!!!!!!! I am more and more applaud by how people dress these days. Being in visual display and now amongst more avenues of fashion, I tried yo keep a non judgmental stance. Not everybody has fashion sense. But now I give up and I'm just a mean girl on the side lines!!! What are these guys thinking?!?!? I swear I wonder if people even use mirrors anymore? And Americans are among the worst fashion choosers.

    1. mistress maddie:
      These looks are growing on me. I have even taken to wearing similar combinations (well nowhere near similary really and only twice) in the house. But I don't think striped pajama bottoms and plaid underwear counts.

  8. WTF is up with all the stripes and plaid! The last person is hopefully color blind or there is seriously no excuse

    1. Cheapchick:
      Oh the last person. She and her family were on a stroll in Manhattan Beach. I WISH I could have gotten a shot from the front. You should have seen the flowered silk T-shirt she wore underneath. She was the fashion highlight of my trip!

  9. Mitchell I totally agree with you I think European are more fashionable and stylish than NY

    1. Gosia:
      Did I say that? Ha! I think sometimes I can't tell them apart!

  10. Top middle is almost OK - at least the colors match. The others leave me speechless, although Mistress Maddie sums up how I would feel if I could get my brain to work after the visually-induced short circuit!

    1. Wilma:
      I agree that the top middle is the most subtle, but I though the top right had a touch of class to it.

  11. I think mixing plaids is an art form, and I think I'm good at it. Stripes and stripes are a little too prison for me; as for camouflage? NEVAH!!!!
    And that last outfit looks like something found in a petri dish!

    1. Bob:
      I am definitely starting to appreciate the art of it. I love these composites when I've completed them. Think about it: I could do an entire fashion "issue" dedicated to Bob. (And, yeah, I'm not one for camouflage. What's the point of wearing something that makes that part of you get lost in the background...?)

  12. Oh dear...i am afraid im on the top row.............far right

    1. John:
      I thought he was very unusual. And can't you appreciate how beautifully aligned the top and bottom plaids are?

  13. Oh wow... the one in the lower right corner hurts my eyes!

    1. Sharon:
      You should have seen the T-shirt she had on -- a multi-colored flower pattern in oranges, yellows and greens. She was definitely my favorite.

  14. The very first one is how The Other Half tends to dress. He likes chaotic patterns and he loves camouflage shorts. :) though not usually both at the same time.

    1. Snoskred:
      The only camouflage I own is a pair of camouflage underwear --- because I thought it was funny. It takes commando one step further (in what direction, I don't know).

  15. It could be worse. They could be wearing speedos.

    1. Walt the Fourth:
      I asked. Underneath those bold fashions, they all wore red thongs.

  16. They look comfortable - I try not to judge a book by it's cover. And yes I probably dress that badly, though I don't own very much plaid

    1. Travel:
      I love it. Not my style but more power to them -- although I have to admit I've seen some combinations that hurt my eyes more than they hurt my sensibilities. We have a friend here who wear the wildest plaid and plaid combos. He drives his mother nuts and makes me so happy.

  17. There is a lot of fashion in Brooklyn and bold dressers.

    1. Laurent:
      There's a lot of every taste in Brooklyn. I just focused on the ones that made the most noise.

  18. dear me!
    this is lack of style, not style.

    1. Spo:
      I wonder. It looks to me like these fashionistas gave their looks at least some thought. And check out the plaid alignment top to bottom in the top right photo. Amazing.


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