Saturday, April 14, 2018

Don't Stop Believing / No Dejes De Creer

WITHDRAWAL FROM ANTI-DEPRESSANT medication can be, well, depressing. This time around is not too bad. I'll be quickly weaned off the old and at full strength on the new but, in the meantime, these initial days aren't perfect. I'm feeling just a bit off overall at times. And my mood crashes at moments. The cats are helping me stay focused at the task at hand and, especially, to never give up.

The crag martins (those birds) have moved on, but the boys are still hopeful. Today it was a wasp. San Geraldo set it free, but Moose never stopped believing.

LA RETIRADA DE la medicación antidepresiva puede ser, bueno, deprimente. Esta vez no es tan malo. Pronto me desconectaré de lo viejo y con toda la fuerza del nuevo, pero, mientras tanto, estos días iniciales no son perfectos. Me siento un poco apagado en general a veces. Y mi estado de ánimo no está bien por momentos. 

Los gatos me están ayudando a mantenerme enfocado en la tarea a mano y, sobre todo, a nunca rendirme. Los roqueros han seguido adelante, pero los niños todavía tienen esperanzas. Hoy era una avispa. San Geraldo lo liberó, pero Moose nunca dejó de creer.


  1. Good luck with the moody days. I'm going through a similar change, and I think my anxiety kicks in to add to the uneasiness. Thinking of you!

    1. Elaine:
      Already improving. Thanks! Yep, there was that anxiety, too. Today, I'm going shopping!

  2. That must really 'ring you out', Mitch. Does walking help? Tire yourself out and maybe you can sleep through most of this transition.
    Moose (cat on right?) looks near-sighted......contacts maybe? (hey, I try!!)

    1. Jim:
      I've been too dizzy at times to go for a walk and too moody. Spent a couple of hours lying on the beach yesterday. Not much patience for it. Today is SO MUCH better! That's Dudo on the right. He doesn't miss a thing!

  3. The poor kitteth.....waiting for a wasp to return.

    1. mistress maddie:
      And our hero San Geraldo saved us all (I'm seriously allergic... and they seem to be drawn to me).

  4. Hi Mitchell, Although I've read your blog for the last year or so, this is my first comment (Sorry)and it's really a question, prompted by your mention of health matters. My partner and I are considering moving permanently to Spain before the UK leaves the EU next year. My question is about the health service: what's it like? Thanks.

    1. Alban:
      Hi. Thanks for visiting. No need to apologize for not commenting. I'm happy to know you're reading. As Americans initially on retirement visas, we had to have private insurance for the first five years. We still haven't checked into getting onto the public health service (which we need to do); but, when we do, we'll maintain the private insurance as well because it's been so wonderful and so much less expensive than in the States. Most of our friends and neighbors are on the public health system and seem very satisfied.

  5. a trip to meson salvador might help you! ;-)

    1. anne marie:
      You're so right. Long overdue. But when I'm THAT miserable... I don't want to share. Doing really well today.

  6. Moose is an inspiration! The final image is great and I see some sunshine out there for you.

    1. Wilma:
      Two beach days in a row! Moose and Dudo have been sweethearts. I'm already doing well (or at least a hell of a lot better)!

  7. I just love looking at your beautiful cats. They're kind of soothing to me. My dogs help with my depression. They don't seem to mind too much when I snot cry into their fur for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Balder half doesn't mind bathing them. I hope you find something that works for you, Mitchell. You seem to be a very nice man.

    1. Deedles:
      I doubt Moose or Dudo would let me snot cry (actually, I wouldn't let me snot cry!) I'm clearly already over the worst -- that was quick! Should know how the new meds do at full strength in a week or two more.

  8. I think pets were the original anti-depressants before modern medicine came about.

    1. Adam:
      They're not perfect, but they sure do help -- for depression, loneliness, illness, aging.

  9. Replies
    1. Travel:
      Oh, I could share a thousand photos and videos a week.

  10. We should all be a little bit more like Moose.....

    1. Willym:
      Moose can be kind of neurotic and demanding, but he is insistent and adorable!

  11. One time I was gifted with mania as a side effect of withdrawing from an anti-depressant. It was a gift, because I got the house super clean.

    This has been a tough couple of weeks for us on the Chicken Rollercoaster but I'm doing ok, the other half maybe not so much, at least not today, our chicken is not having the best of days after a super great day yesterday. :/ Tomorrow is another day.

    1. Snoskred:
      Was so sorry to read about the chicken today. Sending you hugs from Spain. When I realized my current meds were no longer working I noticed I was only not depressed/stressed/anxious when I was active -- exercising, cleaning, organizing. The minute I stopped, I crashed; and I only had so much energy, so had to crash eventually. The last two days? The house is a mess!

  12. The cats and San Geraldo have your back!

    1. Debra:
      San Geraldo especially. HE has my back. The cats make sure I always have theirs.

  13. I've always had a somewhat labile personality; anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds had worse side effects than the depression and anxiety that I had grown accustomed to. So much for that. Our pets (and hubbies) can certainly help. Now go have a decadent dessert.

    1. Frank:
      I've been lucky that I've been able to find meds over the years that help me, since I couldn't survive without meds. Side effects on the newer meds (over 30 years) have become much less common. This new one I've just started is reported to have NO side effects!

  14. Cats are such amusing animals. They could lift anybody's mood.

    I've been seeing a psychologist of late, albeit for reasons other than depression, and of course he can't prescribe medication, but we've both sought out professionals, and have at least that in common.

    1. Kirk:
      Wishing you well! The cats DO often bring a smile to my face.

  15. I am curious why your physician isn't doing a 'cross over' rather than tapering down/off the one prior to the initiation of the new one.
    Folks get 'in between meds' and not feel so good.

    1. Spo:
      We are doing a cross-over. First five days, half of the old and half of the new. It's day 6 and I'm already out of the worst!


Please visit if you would like to comment or stay up to date. I stopped posting here and reproduced all previous posts, as well, 25 September 2018. Thanks!!!