Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Costa Winter Fashion

Rational people are bundled up here on the Costa del Sol. It's winter, you know. Today didn't get above 15C (61F) with a low of 13C (55F) and that doesn't account for the combination of high humidity and wind chill. San Geraldo's cyclonic winds were out in force. It's expected to go as low as 10C (50F) tonight. Fortunately, the wind has died down. So the real feel shouldn't dip much lower than about 8C (46F).

You can always tell the tourists from the locals around here. I was kept just barely warm in my fleece-lined, hooded sweatshirt (and my scarf), while others walked by the cafe this morning in shorts and T-shirts.

Today's fashionable photos were collected throughout November and December. The only one taken in today's chill was the one at upper right. You'll notice the guy had his hands in his pockets to keep warm, and the woman with him had goose bumps (well, she must have). (And that's a walking stick reaching to the ground from the left leg of his shorts... or at least I think it is.)

We're heading out for dinner shortly. Excuse me while I unpack my long underwear and down-filled parka.


In case my recent choices of music haven't clued you in, this has been a season of melancholy and too much self-reflection at our house.

"Time, time, time, see what's become of me."


  1. Mitchell I don't like this fashin it seems me really strange

    1. Gosia:
      It's growing on me. Well, not ON me, but I'm getting used to it.

  2. WINTER!? I'll show you winter, Mister!! lol
    Ok enough of that....
    Now to the fashion segment! I look forward to your 'Plaid/Check/Stripes Fashion'.....winter edition, just like some look forward to the 'Sports Illustrated Bathing Suit' edition!! (oh, I see a floral thrown in for good measure!!)
    Time to 'let your hair down' so to speak and DANCE! And make sure you take your vitamin D. That's all.....for now.

    1. Jim:
      I thought you'd get a kick out of that.

      When we moved to San Diego from Connecticut in March of '93, we laughed at all the heavy winter clothes in the shop windows. A year later, we were wearing them! Our blood has thinned!

  3. Replies
    1. anne marie:
      My brother told me Sunday it was warm in New York. 47!!!

  4. Astonishing photos. The bottom right, especially. I am sympathetic to your melancholy; I haven't been able to bring myself to post a blog entry since October, although for reasons more superficial than yours. So thank you for posting - I appreciate your efforts very much and look forward to reading and viewing (!) your posts.

    P.S. the woman on the top left should trade shoes with the woman in the photo to her right.

    1. Wilma:
      Oh, my reasons can be fairly superficial, as well. So hard sometimes to get out of funks, no matter the reason. Thanks for continuing to visit here. You make my days better.

      I agree about the women swapping shoes. Some combinations I find odd, some fun, some hard on the eyes, and some downright nauseating. The shoes with that outfit on the woman on the left is in the last category. They would simply carry on the fashion statement if the woman on the right wore them!

  5. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Oh. Dear.

    1. Rozzie:
      I always coordinate my shorts with my shopping cart. (Then again, my shopping cart is black.)

  6. We actually wear long underwear (under the other clothes) on morning walks with the dog around here. It's 0ºC outside as I type this.

    1. Walt the Fourth:
      Jerry was known to pull out (well, put on) the long underwear when the temps got below 60F in San Diego!

  7. When I lived in Florida, people would complain about the weather in January or February being surprisingly cool, and I would simply tell them, "you came in the dead of winter - what did you expect." Stay warm, Wish I Was There!

  8. OMG!!!!!!! My stomach. Does anyone have a alka seltzer? That's funny you say bundle up. Because if it was 61 here, people would have winter clothing on, but no scarves or coats. 61 is considered mild for winter here. Although I did see a dumb ass wearing shorts on Christmas eve.

    1. mistress maddie:
      Here, we wear scarves when the temps drop below 80F. Fashion is everything (as you well know).

  9. It makes my head go 'round 'n' 'round like a merry-go-round and I can't get off.

    Hey, what is it with this sensibility, really I am serious.

    Such is everyone's right to not be able to figure out what does and doesn't work, eh!?!

    Ron here (Hey Jim have you seen my florals and stripes lately? It's is style in Europe now!!)

    1. Ron:
      Sometimes, mixing and matching can be fun, although it's not my style (only to a very slight degree). But sometimes the combinations really do turn my stomach. Certain color combinations do the same for me. I suppose what I wear makes some people wonder, too. I just hope it doesn't make them ill.

  10. Who ARE these people? I can't imagine there is anyplace where this "style" is acceptable!
    Stay warm!

    1. Shawn:
      Oh so common all over the world! I hope it makes them happy. Some combinations make ME lose my appetite.

  11. Oh, the plaid suitcase takes it to another level!

    I'm thankful for long cargo shorts, even if they are patterned and mixed with a striped shirt. I remember in the late 80s and early 90s seeing a few "walking sticks" hanging out of those shorter shorts!

    1. Michelle:
      That's a plaid shopping cart. Very popular here (and in other patterns and colors; we have black). I've never seen someone coordinate their shorts with the plaid cart. Uf! I had a friend who wore nylon running shorts in the '80s. No underwear. No support. He wasn't bothered, but I was always checking to see if anyone noticed.


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