At this very moment, it's sore. Clearly not why I'm in Seventh Heaven.
Because I can't do any leg exercises until the stitches are out in two weeks, San Geraldo has agreed to rejoin the gym and drive me there so we can both work out (for me, upper body; for him, mostly cardio). But that's not why I'm in Seventh Heaven.
I peeked at the form the nurse filled out during my pre-op. The form was in Spanish and that's what we spoke. One of the items read "Barrera Idiomática" followed by yes/no check boxes. The nurse checked "no." NO LANGUAGE BARRIER! That's why I'm in Seventh Heaven. The nurse actually determined that communicating in Spanish was not a problem for me. Oh, excuse me, that's why I'm in Séptimo Cielo!
About the leg photo:
1) The white bandage is original. The tan patch is to cover up the blood that leaked through.
2) You might notice some scratches above and below the bandage. Who knew that would be the result if I walked into a cactus?!?

En este mismo momento, me duele un poco. Claramente no es por eso qué estoy en el séptimo cielo.
Porque no puedo hacer ejercicios de piernas hasta que el doctor le quite las puntadas en dos semanas, San Geraldo ha aceptado volver al gimnasio y conducirme allí para que podamos trabajar juntos (para mí, la parte superior del cuerpo sólo; para él, prinicipalmente cardio). Pero no es por eso que estoy en el séptimo cielo.
Eché un vistazo a la forma que la enfermera llenó durante mi preoperatorio. La forma era en español y eso es lo que hablamos. Uno de los artículos lee "Barrera Idiomatica" seguido de las casillas de verificación sí / no. La enfermera marcó "no". ¡NO BARRERA IDIOMÁTICA! Por eso estoy en el séptimo cielo. La enfermera en realidad determinó que la comunicación en español no era un problema para mí.
Sobre la foto de la pierna:
1) El vendaje blanco es original. El parche de bronceado es para cubrir la sangre.
2) Tú puedes notar algunos rasguños por encima y por debajo del vendaje. Eso es lo que sucede cuando entras en un cactus. ?¡?Quién sabía que eso resultaría si entrara en un cactus?!?
Happy moments all around then! :) Do the Dudo or Moose comfort you at a time like this, climbing on you and purring because one of their pack is injured? :)
DeleteDudo sniffs the bandage. Then he wants a treat and a nap with me, like always. Moose still expects me to get down on the floor to cuddle with him. And he doesn't understand while I'll only bend at the waist to pet him. No clue!
why are you walking into cactus plants? but YAYZ for benign tumors and habla espanol!
ReplyDeleteanne marie:
DeleteWhy am I walking into cactus plants? Because they're there, of course!
El Séptimo Cielo indeed!
ReplyDeleteAll the way around!
DeleteI almost did a happy dance when I read the nurse's "judgment." But I decided to look cool. I did, however, jiggly the wheelchair a bit.
Good results all round, I'd say!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear you will now have a 'spotter' at the gym!
DeleteThe only spotting he'll do is spotting me across the gym to see if I'm ready to leave!
Felicitaciones! Not on walking into the cactus but on being a full on Spanish speaker. You've obviously worked at it. Here's hoping you heal up quick!
DeleteAll going fine. Estoy bien, gracias!
So, no leg exercise for 2 weeks. Does that mean you can't go on walks? That will be tough for you, eh? I guess this makes you a temporarily crippled Spanish-speaking, cactus seeking angel.
DeleteYeah, my usual walks are out, which is already making me a bit crazy. But I CAN walk at least! Working out today!
Glad you were able to have this taken care of without incident. And congratulations on speaking Spanish so well.
DeleteAs far as I'm concerned, my Spanish is still pretty awful but at least the nurse didn't think so. My pronunciation is pretty good, which makes my skills appear better than the are!
Congrats! Now you can tell everyone you're officially BI . . . . lingual. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery from your operation!
DeleteToday is better than yesterday and yesterday wasn't bad at all!
take care. Recover fast
DeleteThanks. Already doing well!
Glad everything is well Mitchell!
ReplyDeleteYou sound just like me! My legs pretty well have a bruise or two somewhere on them at all times.
Take care!
Cat Lover:
DeleteJerry brushes by the plants as well. He just doesn't get so easily wounded! My mother insisted it was because I came from such fine stock.... which was a big fat lie.
Come on, cactus is our friend. He'll point out the way...
ReplyDeleteWalt the Fourth:
DeleteOh you're so clever. Thanks for this morning's laugh!
Great news on both fronts
I wish you a speedy recovery, Mitchell!
DeleteThanks so much. Doing great!
Good for you that you are able to speak and be understood in Spanish. Wonderful achievement. Speedy recovery!
DeleteMy Spanish is still so very limited, but it's nice to know it's improved enough to be of use in situations like this! Healing beautifully. Can't wait to be off these awful antibiotics. But just four more doses, 2 a day. I can deal with that!
You little cunning linguist! Congratulations....
DeleteAnd a very forgiving nurse. But, thanks!