Sunday, October 7, 2018

Oh, Sweet Jesus! / ¡Oh, Dulce Jesus!

La versión está después de la primera foto.

THIS IS THE week of Fuengirola's annual festival in honor of the Virgin of the Rosary. The fair opened last night. Among the many events today, including the parade of horses and carriages, the Virgin was processed through town and carried to her church (of the Lady of the Rosary) on Plaza de La Constitución. I watched a bit of that (and have plenty of photos to share) but, in the meantime, I thought I'd share this image of Jesus (and a friend) I spotted on the beach on my way home.

Take note of what's coming out of the sea monster's mouth. I thought at first it was again Jesus, which I thought was very weird. However, after closer inspection I realized it was one of those tourists with the uneven shorts. I had passed one only moments before.

ESTA ES LA semana del festival anual de Fuengirola en honor a la Virgen del Rosario. La feria abrió anoche. Entre los muchos eventos de hoy, incluyendo el desfile de caballos y carruajes, la Virgen fue procesada a través de la ciudad y llevada a su iglesia (la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario) en la Plaza de la Constitución. Vi un poco de eso (y tengo muchas fotos para compartir) pero, mientras tanto, pensé que compartiría esta imagen de Jesús (y un amigo) que vi en la playa de camino a casa.

Toma nota de lo que sale de la boca del monstruo marino. Al principio pensé que era otra vez Jesús, lo que me pareció muy raro. Sin embargo, después de una inspección más cercana, me di cuenta de que era uno de esos turistas con pantalones cortos irregulares. Había pasado uno solo unos momentos antes.


  1. It's an odd juxtaposition of images, isn't it!

    1. Debra,
      I was taken aback by Jesus and then cracked up at his choice of neighbor.

  2. Very weird to have these two next to each other.
    Oh My Goodness you have to ask what the uneven shorts mean ?

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. Parsnip,
      Unless I see some who seems approachable the shorts will remain a mystery.

  3. Sand dragons are the most dangerous of all!

  4. Is there an equlivant of Right wing Catholics there who find dragons and stuff objectionable on saint holidays?

    1. Spo,
      Oh I’m sure there is. Thankfully I’ve never met them.

  5. What's with the sand creations this year? While in P-town some created sand penises. And I don't understand the high low short thing. But the dragon has the right idea.

    1. Maddie,
      We used to have a sand sculptor our beach who was brilliantly talented, very skilled, and very funny. I miss him. No penises though.

  6. Well, not a cloaking device then.

  7. Replies
    1. Adam,
      Thanks I enjoyed myself. Last minute decision to edit the final photo.

  8. I would like to have seen that guy's cigarette photoshopped into Jesus' pursed lips.

    1. Wal the Fourth,
      I love the idea and wish I had that of it!


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