Tuesday, October 2, 2018

From The Rain / De La Lluvia

La versión español está después de la primera foto.

WHILE SITTING AND working at my computer yesterday I heard water splattering and thought, "Oh, no! What's happened now?!?"

To my relief, there were no new domicile disasters. What had happened was: Rain.

The weather forecast was for sunshine yesterday and rain today. So in the midst of yesterday's sunshine, the skies opened and it rained. Hard. It finally came down so hard, it looked painful to be caught in it. I watched most of the beachgoers make a mad dash for cover. A few diehards tried to sit it out (clearly not from around here), but even they finally knew to come in from the rain.

Today? The rainy day? Sunny and overcast. So far.

MIENTRAS ESTABA SENTANDO y trabajando en mi ordenador ayer escuché agua salpicar y pensé, "¡Oh, no! ¿¡¿Qué pasó ahora?!?"

Para mi alivio, no hubo nuevos desastres en el domicilio. Lo que sucedió fue: Lluvia.

El pronóstico del tiempo fue para sol ayer y, hoy, la lluvia. Entonces, en medio del sol de ayer, los cielos se abrieron y llovió. Mucho. Finalmente bajó tan duro, parecía doloroso quedar atrapado en él. Vi a la mayoría de los bañistas hacer una carrera loca para esconderse. Unos pocos fanáticos trataron de sentarse (claramente no son de aquí), pero incluso ellos finalmente sabían que entrarían por la lluvia.

¿Hoy? ¿El día de lluvia? Soleado y nublado. Hasta aquí.

And it looks like sunny skies.
Y parece cielos soleados.


  1. Nothing worse for spoiling a day of splashing around the sea than getting rained on.

    Wait, that makes no sense.

    1. Bob,
      Lots of people stayed in the sea for bit but the rain came down so hard after a while that I think it was painful to b exposed.

  2. LOVE a good rain storm! It's only water.....and NOT snow!
    Look at the photos it gave you. Nice job, Mitchell!

    1. Jim,
      I also love a good rainstorm. This didn’t last long enough.

  3. What a visual treat watching sun seekers dealing with the rain.
    Zigzag yellow line with top of red umbershoot ~ like!
    Refreshing indeed!

    1. Ron,
      That was actually the top of a little red car parked head-in, but it does look like an umbrella!

  4. I really love warm rain. Reminds me of......oh, never mind.

    1. Ray beard,
      Warm beer? A warm bath? Oh... I get it.

  5. "I can't stand the raaaaiiin against my windoooow, bringing back sweet memories!" Somebody had to do it!
    Last I saw, there's a 25 to 35 percent of rain coming to these here parts today and/or tomorrow. We need it big time!

  6. That's chance of rain. I'm so excited, I'm losing words!

    1. Deedles,
      Hope you got that rain. That’s not a huge chance. Then again we have 0 percent chance and it pours, 90 percent... and nothing!

    2. Nope, we just got mocking clouds. There's 100 percent chance we'll get spit on this afternoon.

  7. It rained Sunday night in Phoenix, I didn’t hear it

    1. Travel,
      Rain is so rare here that I really hate when I sleep through a good downpour.

  8. Heavy rain? More like a free water park.

    1. Adam,
      It looked like it hurt... just like some water park experiences.

  9. Raining hard here as I read this blog. But I did get my day full of errands all accomplished and got home before it let loose. I actually love having it rain during my morning runs; very refreshing. Great photos and so glad it wasn't raining fruit concentrate on you.


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